Enterprise blockchain adoption was difficult.
Until now.

The market for blockchain products and services is anticipated to reach $60.7 billion in 2024. 74% of businesses are convinced that the adoption of blockchain presents a solid business case. Yet, only 34% started a blockchain project.

The most commonly-mentioned roadblocks are issues with replacing legacy systems with or adapting them to blockchain, as well as security concerns.


Shape your blockchain to your business, not the other way around.

Commendo offers a fully customizable & composable blockchain solutions.



Create a highly customized blockchain with just a few clicks. Deploy automatically to AWS.



Meet the next generation of smart contract technology. Use the built-in modules or create your own.


Simple APIs

Develop applications with ease in any programming language using simple API calls.


White Label Tools

Offer a branded blockchain explorer with your projects without any additional work.

Composable Platform

Composability is a design principle focused on providing a wide array of components, which can be activated as needed and used in different configurations to meet the unique demands of a specific use case.


Built with Commendo Blockchain

Cloud Infrastructure Partner


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